ACC, trauma, injury
Treatment for accidents and trauma involving the eye
Book online now or call for an appointment 0800 CATARACT (0800 228 27 228)
ACC affiliated provider
If your eye injury is the result of an accident and is covered by ACC, your assessment, treatment, and surgery will be provided at no charge in private even if you don’t have insurance or are not a NZ resident. There is no surcharge or part charge for ACC approved cases.
Your assessment will typically involve imaging of the eye using high-resolution laser scanning to evaluate treatment options and assess the extent of trauma. Your visual prognosis will be discussed along with potential treatment options.
Benefit from the latest surgical techniques, attention to detail and patient-focused care
Specialist training in advanced surgical techniques to reconstruct your eye and restore vision following trauma
Customised intraocular lenses, implants and instruments for reconstruction and to restore vision sourced from NZ, Europe, UK and USA to ensure optimal surgical outcomes using the latest technology
Second opinions provided
Mr James McKelvie FRANZCO
Specialist Eye Surgeon
An extensive background in clinical research including leading studies on traumatic eye injury in NZ
A skilled and experienced Anterior Segment Eye Surgeon with fellowship and PhD specialist training in NZ and the UK
Caring, patient-centred approach